I am amazed at the number of people who do not get physicals or bloodwork on a regular basis - especially after 40. WTF? If you have any family history of health issues, you should be getting blood work done annually or as prescribed by your doctor.
I admit, I get anxious sometimes as I have a family history of cardiac issues, but the trade off is not being able to manage it. So I have compiled my list of tests, of which, most are standard . Some tests need to be requested, so I've marked them with a *.
CBC - complete blood count -this is red blood cells, white blood cells, hemoglobin, hematocrit
BMP - basal metabolic count - checks 8 compounds in the blood
Lipid panel - LDL and HDL plus trigycerides
Thyroid Panel * - hyper or hypo of the thyroid can be detected
Iron, Ferritin, B and D vitamins * -
Mammagrams - self examines are important, this takes the deep dive with 3D imaging now available
Prostate - this is for my 50 plus guys - get your psa numbers
Colonoscopies - 50 and older (earlier if in family history) - do the prep, take the poop, get checked
Blood pressure - most doctors check it regularly - check it yourself when possible
This is my BONUS - Stress Test and Calcium Scan for the Heart. Get a baseline and if you have family history of heart disease - check in regularly with a cardiologist.
Sit down with your physician, go over the numbers and keep a copy in your files. If medications are prescribed, understand the WHY. Make sure your doctor knows your supplements as well.
You are in charge, its your life and your health - OWN IT.