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  • pattilynnyourcoach

Listen Up

So in my spare time and mainly on my long walks, I've taken up listening to various podcasts on Spotify and Apple. It's been a healing process since my mother died earlier this year. Naturally, I navigate towards health topics, but I also have a deep passion for learning about human behavior, the power of change, self-compassion, and the complexities of the mind.

Brene Brown needs zero introduction with her savvy, bold and "hell yeah" style of delivering her research on topics such as courage, shame, vulnerability, living fully and whole heartedly, and overall leadership. She delivers her messages with passion, but also an open presence for feedback and learning. She has 2 podcasts - Dare to Lead and Unlocking Us.

Like many, I first discovered Brene by watching her Ted Talk on YOUTUBE that was recorded in 2010. I have this on replay as it is a reminder to me of the work that I need to do continually on being brave in this crazy world. So as you drive down the road, cook dinner or take your walk today, I want you to take the time to listen to this Ted Talk from Brene as it will gift you a picture of how to start living in your vulnerability. After you listen, I would like to hear from you. Do you relate? Do you want to lean in and learn more or rediscover a part of you?

I feel there is a collective group that feels a bit shy or stuck. My vision with this platform is to share more on the Brene podcasts (along with other faves), recommend books that I find to be insightful with regard to mindset and living, and to hopefully start a dialogue about unraveling the knot that so many of us stay in because it's too hard to shift gears.

Welcome to LISTEN UP....I hope you will take this journey with me and dig deep on whatever comes our way. Stay tuned.....give me a shout to let me know your thoughts on the YOUTUBE.

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