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  • pattilynnyourcoach

Why I Started a Health & Fitness Podcast for the 50+ Crew

Updated: Jun 1, 2023

If you haven't seen my goofy reels and messages all over social media, you are missing out on all things involving my latest venture - podcasting. I am 12 weeks into Wake Up, Kick Ass, Repeat where I talk about health, fitness and wellness for the fabulous people that are 50 plus.

Greatness is defined by this crowd with strength, resilience, sense of adventure and the hope to live a long and healthy life. So why do I need to do this - because this crowd is smaller in numbers than one might think. Every decade after 40, the numbers continue to drop with regard to participation in exercise as well as taking care of overall health. This is partly because of chronic or acute health consequences that pop up, but also because people in general get lazier, especially if something hurts.

Now is not the time to lay down your sword and give in to the inevitable - a slow death. I don't care if you are 50, 60, 70 or even 80 - there is a reason everyday to get up and move. Plus every study out there proves that improvements can happen at any age. Now if you are under the age of 50, keep pushing that boulder up hill so that you can roll into aging up with a little more ease.

To listen to the latest episode click below or click PODCAST in the website banner above and you will be connected to all episodes. Share with a friend and lets create a movement to live longer and healthier.

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