Can you believe another year is slipping by us? It's the fourth quarter people, so now is not the time to say "WHAT THE HELL?" It's time to execute a plan to get through it all and keep your wits about you.
Rule 1 - Schedule weekly workouts on a calendar, include what you will do and the time - don't wing it. This is an appointment with yourself, so get shit done before accepting any invitations.
Rule 2 - Stay hydrated. You may be having a few extra cocktails, be mindful and balance it out with water. Watch those drinks as the empty calories will add up quickly. Be aware of holiday infused beverages as they may have juices and hidden sugars.
Rule 3 - Food Fun - there is nothing wrong with enjoying the fun foods of the holidays. Self-awareness is your life jacket on this one. We all have our sneak cheats like a Reesee's Cup, an espresso martini, grandmas cookies not to mention the comfort foods. Choose wisely and keep it simple.
Rule 4 - Keep stress in check. We don't have to do it all. Empower yourself with this one word - NO. Decorating, happy hours, parties, dinners, travel to friends and family, extra cooking, shopping for presents - it is overwhelming to say the least. What can you change? What can you let go? People will survive disappointment - is perfectly ok.
Rule 5 - Time - schedule time. To do what, you may ask? Breathe, take it all in. Time flies by in the blink of an eye. Our lives are a blip on the radar. Think about it - it's already the last part of 2023. Your time is valuable, your health is valuable, your goals, your dreams - all important to you. Don't invest in things or people that drain you - this is the season to fill your self up with positive feelings.
I also feel the end of the year is the ideal time to start something new - plan a family hike, train for a 5k, start walking everyday, take a yoga/pilates class, learn to dance or sing, learn an instrument, learn to create some mocktails, throw in some healthy food items on your holiday table, volunteer at the food bank, or take a trip instead of putting up a tree and doing the same old holiday stuff - the ideas are endless. My point is - don't wait until January 1 to create a resolution - create a solution NOW.
Ready to get back in the game - ok friends - grab this 4th quarter frenzy by the kahunas and GO!