Achieving a growth mindset takes work, but it can be achieved at any age. Exploring, setting new goals and learning will contribute to this personal journey. Starting a new journey towards living healthier can be overwhelming, but with small steps very achievable. Here are 3 tips to help you find that self-motivation.
Long term goal - walk 8000 steps a day in 6 months
Short term- incre
ase steps to 4000 steps a day over the next 30 days
Example - if you are walking 2000, add 500 more steps a day for 4 weeks.
How to measure this - get a fitness tracker or use your phone's health app
Why is this Relevant - improves your cardiovascular health, gives you more energy and you may drop a few pounds.
Use a calendar to circle your accomplished days - creating a habit takes patience and work.
2. Put YOU first on the To-do List
Each day create a task list with YOUR time for exercise in the 1,2, or 3 position. Create a calendar or alarm reminder - this is an appointment with yourself that is IMPORTANT. Set your boundaries and get after it.
3. Get Outside Support - Extrinisic Motivation
Join a group to meet up for walks, fitness classes, etc.
Get a work out buddy - you would not stand them up - would you?
Hire a coach or trainer who will provide you with daily, weekly, monthly check-ins and help you with goal setting.
Exercise is medicine, nutrition is fuel for the body....it's time to train with a purpose...5,4,3,2, 1, - GO!